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The Party Plan!

From October 3rd-9th, Doug and Sloane woke up, flew to a new city and celebrated their birthdays with a fundraiser party (where 100% of the proceeds went to malaria nets hosted by the nonprofit and then did it all again the next day. In traditional Tuxedo Travels fashion, both wore formal attire the whole time. It was quite a sight on the planes!

Besides being fun, parties like this were an opportunity for like-minded, socially conscious professionals to get together, celebrate and make a 100% tax-deductible donation to purchase a malaria net.

100% of the proceeds went towards the purchasing and distribution of malaria nets in rural northern Ghana, one of many places where malaria is still a real threat to human life. No administrative cost, no hidden operating cost. All towards the purchase and distritbution of the nets. The goal was to raise $20,000 in one month.

And we did it! Thanks to all who donated!



© Doug Campbell & Sloane Berrent | Thanks to our Sponsors!